The End is Nigh

So with much ado, the school term finally came to a close. Well besides the exams, of course, but they’re not so much part of the school term as they are unavoidable pests, much like your 10-year-old stepbrother. Like previous terms, the last day of the school term was marked with another edition of Starry Night; unlike previous terms, the day was littered with other events, like the Seniors’ Flash Mob and the official closing of a favourite SMU hangout, frujch. Ok before you hit the jump, looooooooooong post ahead with a few pictures here and there!

The current batch of year 4s is probably the senior batch that I’m most familiar with, and the one I’ll miss the most. I’m not particularly close to many of them, but it’s just the memories that they’ll leave behind – the batch is filled with quirky characters and they’ve all left a legacy.

The batch as a whole is also probably more close-knit than any other in the school right now (a byproduct of having been in the old BT Campus, no doubt), so it wasn’t a surprise to see them come up with an idea to leave school with a bang, and actually have a significant number of people keen on joining in.

The idea was inspired by similar pranks around the world, like this and this. And while on a decidedly smaller scale, the seniors’  idea – to just lie down en masse in what usually is the most crowded place in SMU – seemed pretty exciting, if only to be tempered by an odd lack of a lunchtime crowd in school. So anyway, I took a few shots here and there which mostly turned out shite, but salvaged what I could:

The 2 instigators, Roshni and Jacq

Lydia soaking it up

Jobless as the world passes without so much as a glance

 The day continued as frujch went about with their last day of operations – and it was typical of them to go out with a bang, with a slew of performances lined up and memorabilia being flogged. I don’t have any digital pictures to show, but have a few coming up on some rolls of film that I snapped, so stay tuned for that.

Finally, Starry Night 7. I can’t say I’ve remembered any other school events rocking as much as this one did. The performers were excellence personified, the crowd was as big as I’ve seen an SMU crowd get, and the beer flowed freely. Went down early (yah, I’m uncool like that) to grab some choice seats, and then just sat back, and relaxed. For me, while E.I.C. came and did their usual thang, the real stars of the show was the Superseniors All-Star Jam, which featured just about the who’s who in the seniors’ music scene. Not the most perfect musicianship you’ll see/hear, but rockin’ good fun nonetheless.

Company for the night

Experimental high-key images



The results of my main experiment for the night – Yup those out of focus blobs are EIC

Jack and Rai busy charming the crowd, as usual

So that was pretty much how the term ended. More photos can be viewed at my Facebook albums. Always too lazy to upload to Flickr, hur hur.

Sometimes I think this is really what SMU should be like – mostly quirkiness and fun, just a little bit of work. But it isn’t going to happen, not in Singapore anyway. I just saw the “Hungry Ghost Festival” clip at Lionel’s blog, and it’s reassuring (but mostly saddening) to see that some things around just don’t change.

Anyway, I’ve quite a few rolls currently being processed, so will update more when those come back.

1 Comment

Filed under Photography, School

One response to “The End is Nigh

  1. seeyun

    was being kaypoh! 😛

    When given the chance to cover a sporting event, I often experience a feeling not dissimilar to the fire burning in a man’s loins when Jessica Alba enters a room. In the nude.

    Ok I confess, that line was just to get more hits from Google search strings with “jessica alba nude“. Or “fire burning Jessica Alba“, whichever.

    okayyyy o_O

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